Yeah I will do ...I'm sure I will be ok ,well I hope so ..pippy ..
Your be fine ?
Thankyou ,
Hi all - my name is Sue. I had a SAH in 2007 and had my driving licence revoked when it was reported to the DVLA. Fair enough! It was approximately a year later that I eventually got my licence back. I had to undertake an assessment with an Occupational Therapist to ensure that I could still understand and follow instructions and also had to do another driving test. I am very happy to be driving again now as I couldn't do all that I do - work, exercise, socialising etc without it. If you're physically able to then don't give up! Do ask for appropriate help though. I now drive an automatic, not that I have to, only just swapped due to another health issue and I would really say go for it. It is so much easier and more relaxing to drive an automatic car. The Motability Scheme is great if you are eligible - they'll help with car adaptations if necessary. One thing I have learnt from my Stroke is that you can usually still do most things - just not always in the way that you used to.
Hi, I filled in all the forms and sent everything off. Had a meeting with my stroke consultant, he hasn't received the forms. We think they have gone to the DVT consultant! Had to write to DVLA as paperwork could be anywhere. It's going to be at least another 8 months before I can see if they will let me drive (12 months in total) because I have to finish seizure tablets then go 6 months without any seizures! I am feeling lost without my car. Is there anything I can do to prepare for the driving assessment - I fully expect I will have to do this! (BTW I am an Advanced Driver, right foot is compromised at the moment) I do intend to have lessons in an automatic to get used to one) Any advice would be useful.
I had a driving assessment (30 years ago).It then consisted of a test of your reaction times followed bt a short drive around the grounds of the centre in an adapted car.