Decision made. Coming home

Hope things are working out for you, I spent 8 weeks in an acute strike ward and 4 weeks in a rehab ward but only had about three sessions of physio a week and about an hour of speech therapy each week. I’ve been home 11 months now, it’s not easy having a stroke…I hope all goes well for you.


Thanks Jeff. Good days and bad here to be honest. Today my husband is very low indeed and says he feels useless. He is also upset that I seldom get 10 mins to myself. Hugs, cheery chat, bacon rolls for lunch Just won’t help today!

Carers are in the main hopeless. Physio and speech therapists very good and he is getting more than he did in the Stroke Rehab Unit. He is buoyed up after a session and can see he is making progress.

He is eating well now, sleeping very well and on sunny days he sits in the wheelchair with the patio doors open to feel the heat of the sun and watch the birds.

We spoke to a Stroke group co ordinator yesterday and as soon as I can get him safely in the car he says we can go for a coffee and a chat with others there. We are aiming for next session mid March.

I am utterly exhausted and never imagined we would find ourselves in this situation. We get up about 7.45 and by the time I’ve done a few commode trips, made a little breakfast, put washing in, carried my night time bedding upstairs (i sleep downstairs near husband), had a wash and dressed myself, moved husband from bed to wheelchair or commode, hung washing out, disinfected commode, sorted out the next weeks medication, (he helps) made coffee, it’s about 11.30 and I literally fall asleep if I sit down.

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Good to hear that uour husband has made progress in some areas. There are bound to be good and bad days but hopefully has time moves forward the good days will become more frequent.

Please look after yourself as well. If you can get a break you should do. Maybe get someone to sit with him for a bit so you can relax or pop out for coffee or whatever you enjoy doing.

Best wishes

Ann x


I totally undrrstand @Trisha2. It does get physically easier. The psychological toll is what I find hardest…looking after the person you love, who is down most of the time is REALLY hard.
You can ask for neuropsychology to come in and help but like all these things they have limited time and sooner rather than later you will need to try to implement what they recommend.
We just have to take one day at a time.