9. Management of Central Pain | Canadian Stroke Best Practices.
thanks @SimonInEdinburgh ,
just googled floatations tanks near me and the nearest looks potentially drivable once I build the distance that I can drive without the pain becoming unbarable/too distracting.
Age 54 here with right side hemorrhagic stroke in the thalmus. Sounds like these are the risk factors for pain.
I’m not sure to be honest. I’m starting to wonder if the amytryptoline is having an effect cos yesterday wasn’t too bad. Today a little bit more uncomfortable.
I know gets whole lot of brain fog
Heat seems to ramp up the sunburn feeling especially of my arm/hand, noticed this in the shower before but of course wasn’t sure whether that was the temperature or the “sensation” of water landing.
@Nigelglos had a look at the site myself the other day but you’ve got to remember that as it’s US based then you need to adjust your search terms a bit. The closest US desciption to our specific events is a ‘lacunar infarct’ that on this site seems to fall under ‘sensory stroke’ covering both bleeds and clots.
Unfortunately the sample size is even smaller (26) although the distibution is similar.
Interesting that only 3 drugs are listed against pain, including Ibuprofen (that must only be used by non-bleeders of course) and Morphine!!
Hi Loraine-- No. I never get a funny tummy or any reaction from it, other than sleepiness if I have insomnia at night. It never made me too drowsy during the day. But, of course, there are many manufacturers of CBD, so maybe if it bothers your tummy, it may not be the CBD itself, but the way the manufacturer is producing it and offering it. Jeanne
Hey up Nigel are you on amytryptoline? Can’t remember sorry
I’m not sure if the amytryptoline I’m on combined with the gabapentin is trying to work. I’m having moments during the day when I don’t feel too bad. Been on the amytryptoline for 2 weeks now but I’ve heard they can take up to 6 weeks to work for pain relief?
All the best
Joey in Stoke
Thanks for the reply Nigel.
Real off day yesterday. To the point where the pain just crippled me, and just sat here and even put a blanket over myself cos I was shivering. I’ll give it more time on the 2 tablets of amytryptoline before I contact doctor again.
The battle continues for us both
Wishing you all the best and hope we both find the right solution soon
I am Cherokee Indian used like burn
All the best with that
I know all about sides effects of not taking them. I had a day few weeks ago where I ran out of gabapentin completely, while my prescription was getting sorted. The following day I felt like a zombie. I just couldn’t function at all. I’ll be patient and see how it goes on the amytryptoline for next few weeks.
I’ve got physiotherapy tomorrow myself at a local hospital. Not sure if it’s for sensory physio or to try and correct the way I’m walking and the stiffness in my knee.
I was given small doses of amytryptoline on their own right at the start, when I was told I’d got CPSP. I felt small benefit then I had a doc’s appointment but not with my regular doctor and she took me off them for some reason
I then got put on the gabapentin. I’m hoping some 12 months later that the combination of both will be what I need. See how it goes the next few weeks I suppose and hope
I won’t start a new thread but I’ve just been for physiotherapy and I’ve got ataxia apparently which is poor and weak coordination in my arm and leg. Hopefully more physiotherapy in the coming weeks will sort it
I use a TENS/EMS machine and I’m finding it excellent for the arthritic pain I get in my thumbs. And also the pain down my right thigh…which I think is more due to the osteoarthrosis in my hip. For me the pain relief lasts a few days.
Maybe get yourself an electric heat pad while you’re at it; they’re cheap on Amazon too. This is good for after a session with the TENS to help relax and loosen up the muscles around the area.
That’s the trouble with pain, it creates tension around the area, which causes you greater pain, it’s a viscous cycle.
Not great mate, but it wasn’t before the stroke.
I can walk unaided but I wobble I’m right handed but physio want me to use me left when brushing my teeth and few other things. I couldn’t brush my bloody teeth with left hand before the stroke😜 next week I got more physiotherapy and they going get me on exercise equipment and lifting weights
That’ll be a laugh cos I’m built like a brick s***t house but without the bricks! Never been the strongest person to say the least. I’m like a stick man
Seriously though I’m confused at moment cos when you read about ataxia it’s scary. Just hope I’m worrying about nothing and it’s something that can be fixed with more physiotherapy
Hi Lorraine,
Do you mind me asking what brand of CBD oil are you using? I bought some hemp oil last year and not only did it taste disgusting, it did nothing for me. There are so many out there, I’d rather buy one that is recommended.
Minnie x
Speech is fine ta mate
Been on PIP for nearly 12 months
I’m hoping this ataxia is something that can be sorted with more physiotherapy
If if I have to walk with a bit of a limp or wobble for rest of my life I don’t care. I just want to be able to drive and go back to work at some point and back to sort of normality for me and my family. Hard going at the moment mate. I’m fed up of being at home. Wife works long hours and kids at school and college and we have no family support.
I need to get better and kind of how I was before the stroke.
Cheers mate
Bloody hell you’re right. That’s how I looked last year after 5 weeks in hospital one of the first things I did when I got home was book an haircut
Can you remember how Rodney looked in only fools and horses in the early episodes? That was me. Infact one of my old work mates used to call me Dave cos I do seriously look like him but the older version with grey hair