A win! Nice to have one occasionally

I had a blue badge up to Oct last year.

When it came up for renewal I thought “I don’t really deserve one of these” so didn’t try to renew

Maybe about March or so enough people had said I should reapply that I tried. My local council’s website just automatically dismissed my renewal - I’ve got zero pip points for mobility because I can plan a journey (I don’t understand how planning equates to mobility but…)

Sometime later in talking to my GP she said you absolutely do qualify. Because I don’t have a driver’s licence and my passports were expired at the time I had to go to the library with birth certificate to prove I once existed, expiry of a document didn’t mean I’d de-materialised etc

About 3 weeks ago I got up letter to say I had to be “assessed”.

Lea & I went to the assessment yesterday. I was anxious. The assessor asked me “could you walk to Morrisons?” I said I’m not sure where Morissons is, But I can do about 50 yards before I need to stop, not for long but just to let the pains sub-side then I’m good for another 40 or 50 as long as the ground is flat & level

Turns out 50 m is their magic cut off point and 50 yd is less than 50 m so I qualified!


So I just thought I’d let you know the 50 metre rule is inplace with my local authority.
I didn’t know that prior to the assessor telling me at the end of the assessment so that was a happy result



That’s good news. My blue badge makes a massive difference to me.

I know in Scotland PIP changed to ADP but if it is similar mobility part of PIP is made up of planning a journey & moving around & if you were assessed before PIP moved to ADP I would suggest you missed out there. If you can’t do something repeatedly, reliably, acceptable standard & in no more than twice the time it takes an average person it is considered that you can’t do it. When it comes to moving around pain is also taken into account.

Once you reach state pension age if you don’t have the mobility part of PIP it can’t be added. So if you’re not there yet it might be worth pursuing.

Of course Scotland do things differently to restbof UK so all my babble may be irrelevant.

Glad you’ve got your blue badge back though.


I reached that milestone 3 weeks ago


Ah well! :frowning:

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A belated happy birthday.

Rubbish timing in terms of pip mobility though. :slightly_frowning_face:


Thnx & yes

I had another win this morning!!

After the talking to the GP and concluding I should refer myself to physiotherapy and ringing them and being told it will be 8 weeks before you get a phone call and then 8 weeks to an appointment after that I got a phone call from my physiotherapist less than 24 hours after making contact!!!

And she agreed that I should see someone again and she’ll put me back on the active list (But it might still take it 8 weeks but at least that’s not 16 :slight_smile: )

Your bank holiday weekend :slight_smile:

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Thats a definite win :grin: always worth calling them. i had a 40 week wait for physio :scream:

I hope the physio really helps with your progress. It can’t do any harm that’s for sure.