A glimpse of a better future

So long as you don’t sit still long enough to allow the rigor mortis to set in, you will make progress. It’s just that it takes months and years rather than days and weeks to make progress. There is no room for despondency, a moment yes, but then you pick yourself (or we’ll do it for you :wink:) and you carry on. There are always going to be lulls in progress and you’ll sometimes feel you are flogging a dead horse, but you are not beat. Those lulls are merely times to appreciate and rejoice in the progresses you have already made. They are also good times to try things from a different angle. But you “Keep on keeping on” as Bobbi would say :wink:


Hi Simon

Understood, better to know the realities from the get go, you have explained it all very well, so thank you, beginning to get my mind round it all a bit better now, i do get a bit carried away at times.


And not for the first time you have lifted me up, compared to you and many others here I am a mental wimp, I will work at making myself less so, and give you some peace, you all have your, own battles to fight, its about time i began to fight my own and man up, and I will.

I cannot begin to repay you and all the others here who have dragged me kicking and screaming this far.

Bless you all



Ah but I’ve always been finickity about my bacon, I’m not a fat lover in general :laughing: From long before all this good and bad cholesterol became fashionable. So I’ve always trimmed the fat off bacon and steered clear of the streaky bacon.
Eggs, I may 2 in a month. Its about quantities, never too much of anything and you go for the leanest of meats. Variety is good for you but my main go-to’s are chicken, fish, the 5% fat mince meat, they’re daily staples. But I’m juggling between controlling my diabetes, whilst keeping my weight up and staying fit and healthy and it doesn’t take much to tip the balance. I leave my cholesterol numbers to my gp to keep an eye on while I watch the rest. I know my numbers were up a tad last year but nothing the gp was concerned about. My next blood check is in a couple weeks so I’ll see if it’s up any more, then reassess.
Yes, I do take the standard 20mg atorvastatin.

But what I eat I burn! I do an hours strength & balance then an hour’s walk Monday, a 2hr 6 mile walk Tuesday, an hours Pilates Wednesday, then a 2hr workout in the gym Thursday and Friday. In between all that I have usual housework, shopping, gardening etc. So yes, I burn what I consume :wink:


You need never leave us in peace Wattsy, we are only too happy to help and reassure you when you need it most. Don’t ever stop asking for what you need to know because that is what keeps the fear and worry at bay to help your brain recover. Besides, my stroke is my hobby, that’s how I treat it now, because it’s got me doing so many new things and I’ve met so many wonderful and fascinating people along my journey both stroke and non stroke . . . and you are another one :blush:


Don’t try :slight_smile: instead pay it forward to those yet to arrive… And you’ve probably got plenty of time to too



In 1959 (?) or around that time, a scientist called Richter did a test on some lab rats. He noticed they swam for 15 minutes, then drowned. So he decided to rescue a few at 14’ and give them a bit of a rest before seeing how long they lasted this time. Answer ; they swam for 60 hours before drowning.

See what a little bit of hope does?

Good luck, Roland


That is truly amazing fighting diabetes as well, you have my congratulations and admiration, what a a determined fighter you , and an inspiration to me and no doubt to many others.

Have a good night, and wonderful day tomorrow.

huge thanks to you, and all the others who have come to my rescue during the last 3 months,
bye for now


message received loud and clear


will be the very least I can do



Just had my annual Diabetes review and my cholesterol level is actually 3.6 which is just fine for me apparently. In fact everything was fine apart from blood pressure which was perfect :laughing: But the only number I was actually interested in, the HbA1c for my diabetes, wasn’t back from the lab yet :confounded: :crazy_face:
So as far as my cholesterol is concerned, I’m still managing to burn off what I consume :sweat_smile

This reply is also a memory testing exercise. Because I remembered discussing this with you some weeks ago and made a mental note to let you know what my actual cholesterol number was. I passed and didn’t even write down a reminder :smile: :partying_face:


I also learned so much from that book, and the website, I wish I had known much earlier. I am saddened that the writer has passed away. I was hoping someone would step in where he left off to continue with the updates. I am certain he would have liked that.


Any further thoughts about curating the contents here?



Still think it is a good idea, but absolutely clueless on how to go about it in truth


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Been posting around the same idea with @Nigelglos & @EMG72

Perhaps if we put our heads together?

I’ve a starter for 10
a wiki post at the head of a thread/ topic in which we invite others to signpost the best resources they use and signposts are then consolidated into the wiki post.

If we ever got admin to listen then we could appeal to their charity to create a category for reference material.

Also a scheme of #tags. If we had some TL4 access we could add hashtags to existing posts. Or build a list & request it was actioned



have to be up front with you here, i am more or less computer / social media illiterate unlikely that i can be of any use to you whatsoever on this.


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Emerald eyes, been away for a while dealing with a separate health issue outside of my stroke,
How are you getting on good i hope still being active. On the active issue I recently bought a pair of nordic style walking poles, they are brilliant got rubber tips for walking on tarmac and pavements. they are good lower and upper body workout, gets your heart pumping. anyway just checking in on you, and there are a few others i need to touch base with in the coming days.

best wishes


Hi Wattsy, I’m doing well and the same goes for my diabetes according to the results last week at my annual check, so I’m very happy that I’m doing all I need to do to stay as fit and healthy as I can :smile:

I love my walk poles too, they can really help propel you along and give you a good workout at the same time can’t they :smile: Have you managed to venture down to a gym yet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



glad to hear your news, been to the gym a few times, done some miles on the bikes, have not yet been on the treadmills been using my poles instead, cannot believe how weak I have become since my stroke going to take some time to really improve my muscle wastage, but you know all about that, got the tee shirt and all that

Good to hear from you



Get a bit more protein into you, that will help build up muscle :wink:
It can be quite shocking how much you can lose though. I was nearly a stone underweight post stroke and as weak as dish water.
Now though, my latest accomplishment is jogging the length of the gym today in my circuit training class…and in a straight line…without tripping over my own feet :rofl: