39 and first stroke

On 9th may I had my first stoke my nhiss score was 18 I was treated with thrombolosis which really was amazing I got my speech back and use in my left arm I can walk with a limp but my left leg is painful as is my left hand tonight is my first night at home and I’m petrified of going to sleep incase it happens again every twitch or pain and I think is this another. I kind of feel like the hospital jist sent me off with a load of tablets and a list of further tests they want completing. I cry at absolutely everything and at the same time I’m so angry this has happened to me I don’t feel like me any more I’m getting confused and muddled up and my leg aches so much I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do or how I’m supposed to move forward


@annie39 Hi Annie. Well you’ve just made a big step forward by posting on this forum. You will settle, if my own experience is anything to go by. It’s takes a little patience and support that you’ll get from others in this site. It takes courage to open up :slightly_smiling_face:. I had paramedics in about 2 hrs ago checking me over. Excuse me if I go now. You’ll see some of my story on @EmeraldEyes.
Wish you well and hope we meet again @IanM


Hi @annie39 welcome to the forum and its a very active forum for a bunch of stroke survivors I can tell you :wink: :smile:
I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had to join our club though, but you’ve found the right place for all comfort, advice and support you need.

You have just gone through a life/death experience so naturally you are in shock and emotionally distraught and it comes on in waves! We have all been where you are now, afraid to go sleep for fear of another stroke and I can assure you it will get better! You are not alone! :people_hugging:

I cried the whole first night in hospital after my stroke. It’s good to cry anyway as it relieves a lot of pressure on the brain, giving it a better chance heal. And you were treated with thrombolysis, that is to break up blood clots and prevent new clots from forming. So now with a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and keeping up with your medications your risk of another is greatly reduced. But recovery is a marathon not a race; it’s going to take longer than 6 weeks or 6 months. Your brain is in healing mode, so keep life “simple stupid”, don’t even try to multitask and rest frequently. Basically give in to whatever your brain needs, it will let you know. The first 6 months after a stroke are the most important for recovery and when you will see the most improvement. After that it slows down but doesn’t stop.

Some of us put together this Welcome post what we wish we’d known at the start which you might find useful reading through.

I never experienced pain though there are several members on here who have. No doubt you will hear from them over the coming days :slightly_smiling_face: And if @Bobbi is pulling another all-nighter he will might come on soon with some more good sound advice and get you laughing, if you are still awake :wink:

Try to relax now and keep talk on here, tomorrow is a new day :people_hugging:


Hi thank you for replying yesterday I’m in medication I have Asprin for the next three weeks Clopidogrel atorvastatin and lansoprazole I’m quite healthy but I do smoke so I really need to stop with that I’ve been referred to the smoking sensation team for help my discharge says
CTH + MRA both showed 2 micro AVM catheter requested and referred to neurovascular MDT for same

ECHO performed as part of stroke protocol raised suspicion of PFO bubble echo requested and to be FU in stroke FU clinic. If confirms PFO for referral to heart brain MDT

I have no idea what any of that means I have been told in hospital but my memory is very foggy and things are a bit blurry on what’s happened this bast 6 days


Creoso, the fear of another stroke haunts many a survivor after the fact. The brain being a sentient organism, quite rightly, will guard itself against the threat of another strike, and is sure to jump at shadows. At this stage, being that you are so recently discharged, I would suggest not thinking too much about going forward, but allowing yourself to exist in the moment and managing anxiety. This forum is a good space to unravel some of the feelings you might be having, and is also a good spot for pitching medical questions which, although, can’t be addressed from a professional standpoint, can be discussed so that you have a better idea of what to ask and query when you talk to others. Anxiety absorbs a lot of energy, and the brain can become anxious about being anxious, especially when it doesn’t have the hwyl to brush that anxiety aside.


Hi and welcome!! I had my stroke January 23 and well remember feeling like you do. I cant really add anything to what has been said. Just be kind to yourself and take it day by day or hour by hour
Best wishes Anne


Hi Annie, sorry to hear of your stroke. A big welcome to this forum. We are a merry band of stroke survivors and their carers and families. This forum has been a godsend to me since my hemorrhagic stroke 7 years ago and is still my Go To place when I need some information or advice. We have all suffered very different types of stroke and are on very different roads to recovery, so there will always be someone here who can understand what you are going through.

Feel free to jump on here whenever you have any questions and you are looking for some advice and information.

I wish you well in your recovery and look forward to hearing from you.

Regards Sue


Hi @annie39 I completely understand how you felt at the start of this as that how I felt at Christmas when I had mine and got out. Loads of us here and @SimonInEdinburgh and @EmeraldEyes have been 2 of my biggest sources of support on here.

Welcome to the club we get no joining badge for and none of us ever wanted to be part of


It can also be laziness/too time consuming or arrogance :smirk:

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@EmeraldEyes @annie39 good advice :slightly_smiling_face:.@IanM

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Hi @annie39 I too had my stroke beginning of May, and received Thrombolysis for Cerebral Infarction/Posterior ??
It is only since being sent home that certain things are kicking in, I think when I was in hospital I was on auto-pilot or something.
I had to find this group, as it felt like I was alone with my thoughts ie PANIC! where is my phone…as I dialled the ambulance, and need the security at the moment of having my phone next to me, where as previously I was awful at even keeping it charged up.
It appears it is down to the Stroke Community to guide us along the pathway to recovery.


Hi @Dido14 how are you doing since been home? I’m pretty much like you I need my phone with me all time and panic when I’m alone I have been better the past few days tho so hopefully things are starting to get easier. It’s my leg and forearm that hurt the most trying to rest as much as I can but having a 4 year old it isn’t easy especially when I’m on my own although my adult children have been godsends.


I have been ok (ish). My husband was at home the 1st week, and one of my sons came round.
I have found it daunting, as when I left hospital, they were like you did well, you scored well on the tests, but to be honest I think I was just in shock mode. It is only when I got home that symptoms started really appearing. Numb fingers, not knowing if left foot on floor, knee locking then giving way, but worst was a severe allergic reaction to asprin!!! Shoulders OMG!
This week I have been on my own at home, hubby working away, although son doesn’t live with me, he is also away in India working, and my youngest lives in Scotland. Been a bit restless but tried to keep myself occupied, and take time out to relax.
I cannot imagine trying to look after a 4yo with the fatigue…i was tired just having youngest granddaughter over at the weekend for couple of hours, and she is 10.
New symptoms I am not obviously going to be ringing drs with every little thing that crops up, but writing things down in a diary. It’s like i passed the vision test at the hospital but know my left eye is not right, as I tried to cross the road and it was odd - do I just wait for my routine eyetest, or tell the drs - no idea.
I think of each day as a step, and try to accomplish just one small thing, even planting a few flowers. I look at bigger stuff I had planned to be doing and think…it can wait. To Plant a Garden is to believe in tomorrow x


@Dido14 yeah I was same when I got home pretty much like u I was like on a high cos drs saying how well I had done and how much the medication had worked. But I notice my forearm throbs and I get muddled up easily with what I’m saying my leg throbs all the time but I try to do little bits each day and rest as much as possible slow and steady wins the race as they say. I have an appointment with the stroke team beginning of July over the phone and also GP rang today to do me an appointment about my discharge again that’s over the phone at end of month .

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Were you not given any contact details for your community stroke team?
Yours may be called something different, but as an example, this is ours:

Possibly they will be in touch over the coming weeks, but if you find the number for your local team or phone the stroke unit at the hospital you were admitted, you can discuss all these issues directly rather than going through your gp.

Well I had a scan today and it confirmed a PFO


Hi Annie have they mentioned closure?
I was 34 when I suffered a major stroke and spent 2 months in hospital, learning to walk and talk etc. They ran some tests which confirmed a PFO, they had a meeting and decided not to close the hole unless I suffered another stroke. Well you can imagine my anxiety. I was put on Clopidogrel.
Last March I suffered another stroke at the age of 52. The PFO was discovered again!!
Last September I suffered another stroke, I received a clot buster but still left with right sided problems and partial vision loss.
I have an appointment next month to talk with cardiology. When they found the PFO last year they said they only closed them for patients under the age of 40, which I know is a lie. My stroke consultants have both said up to the age of 60, I’m now 53.


Hi yes they have mentioned closure they are having an MDT meeting with cardiology and also neurology as they found the pfo but also two avms in my brain so I need further tests on them and then they will decide a plan of action xx


Hopefully you will have some answers soon.
I’ve been to the hospital about my eyes today, they are now going to register me partially sighted after my last stroke in September.
Take care Annie xx